Lunes de These are my twisted words

Pues ya es lunes, y lo unico que he visto hasta el momento es que jonny posteo These are my twisted words en el DEAD AIR SPACE hahaha les pongo la quote de lo que puso, cabe recalcar que la entrega que hace radiohead trae un mini artwork =), En cuanto al rediccionamiento de WALLOFICE.COM ya no existe, el tipo que era holandes y lo compro subio canciones suyas dentro de el para promocionarse pero inmediatamente se lo tumbaron.

Jonny in Oxon

These Are My Twisted Words

''So here's a new song, called 'These Are My Twisted Words'.

We've been recording for a while, and this was one of the first we finished.
We're pretty proud of it.

There's other stuff in various states of completion, but this is one we've been practicing, and which we'll probably play at this summer's concerts. Hope you like it.''

Download the audio here or torrent here.

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1 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

excelente canción!

excelente blog!

gracias por la información!

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